grain binder câu
And this binder contains the complete history of Santa and Evan's interactions over the past five years.Còn đây là toàn bộ lịch sử của ...

We now have grain ships in excess of 10,000 amphorae.Số vò đựng thóc trên các tàu đã vượt quá 10,000 rồi. The grain storehouse by the ...

in grain
They are common in grain elevators and other similar systems.Chúng phổ biến trong thang máy và các hệ thống tương tự khác. And that ri...

with the grain
26So they loaded their donkeys with the grain and departed from there.26 Họ chất lúa của mình lên lưng lừa và đi khỏi đó. 26 Gn 42, 26...

binder program
The linking process is usually automatically done by a linker or binder program that searches a set of libraries and other modules in a...

inorganic binder
Rather than using concrete, Dini’s invention uses sand and an inorganic binder as its raw materials – when mixed together, they form st...

lime binder
Even when combined with the lime binder, the overall product takes more CO2 out of the atmosphere than it puts into it.Ngay cả khi kết ...

organic binder
With the application of natural organic binder extracted from corn, the level of formaldehyde emission remains below the regulatory sta...

phosphate binder
Renvela (sevelamer) is a phosphate binder.Thuốc Renvela (sevelamer) là một chất kết dính phốt phát. Renvela (sevelamer) is a phosphat...

purchased a self-binder.Mua Dây Buộc Mình

through binder
It’s made through binder less technique i.e. without use of any type of chemical so it is 100% natural.Nó được thực hiện thông qua chất...

loose-leaf binder
Your mother was a loose-leaf binder!"Nãi nãi của ngươi bánh quai chèo! !” Your mother was a loose-leaf binder!"Nãi nãi của ngươi bánh ...

a grain of comfort
Serving up a slice of comfortmột chút an ủi a grain of comfort

a grain of rice
The master replied: "Taking one's meal every day, one never chews a grain of rice.Cô giáo phàn nàn “Con ăn chưa hôm nào hết 1 bát cơm” ...

against the grain
The ones that go against the grain and make some noise?Những tên nào vào Lang Nham bảo gây chuyện ồn ào đấy? Hat off for trying someth...

close grain
(No streaks or close grain.(Không vẩy hoặc lau khô bút thử.

coarse grain
This can be done, for example, by grinding a coarse grain powder.Điều này có thể được thực hiện, ví dụ, bằng cách bổ sung trồng một cây...

commodity grain
As a result, Harbin is China's base for the production of commodity grain and an ideal location for setting up agricultural businesses....

cross grain
This is especially important on patterned parquet flooring to ensure any cross grain marks are removed.Điều này đặc biệt quan trọng đối...

With our proprietary Cross-Grain Technology, Ekowood floors are 70% more dimensionally stable than conventional wood floors.Với công ng...

crystal grain
This ensures that the crystal grain boundaries deep inside the copper are rearranged so that electrical current travels through the sig...

curly grain
Maples, especially harder maples, sometimes have a distinctive curly grain.Bản đồ, đặc biệt là các bản đồ cứng hơn, đôi khi có một hạt ...

dust grain
Relatively large particles about 100 µm in diameter that come directly from substances being used (e.g., coal dust, ash, sawdust, cemen...

ear of grain
Isa 17:5 - It will be as when one gathers the grain harvest, and his hand gleans the ear of grain.17:5 Và nó sẽ giống như việc thu thập...

end grain
Other engineered laminate composites, such as Mallite, use a central core of end grain balsa wood, bonded to surface skins of light all...